Department of Sociology

Dr. RammanoharLohia Avadh University, Ayodhya start the course Master of Sociology(M.A.Sociology) from the session 2021-2022. Sociology is the most contemporary and versatile of the Social Sciences. It trains students to grasp social and diversified structures, understand social processes map the dynamics of social change, decipher social interactions and make sense of individual and collective experiences in their social, historical and cultural context. Sociology is at once critical and constructive; conceptual and applied; theoretical and empirical. It is a science that cohabits comfortably with literary flair, speculative sensibility, historical imagination and empirical rigour. It is incessantly reflexive about its methods, demanding about its research techniques and standards of evidence.Sociology is ever so subtle about the conceptual distinctions it draws and zealous about its disciplinary boundaries and identity. At the same time, sociology is the most open and interdisciplinary of social sciences. The Pursuit of sociology is a systematic effort at recovering, mapping and making sense of our kaleidoscopic collective self under the sign of modernity. It is both historical and comparative. Sociology as an academic discipline is committed to the ideal of generating public knowledge and fostering public reason. It embodies best of enlightenment virtues: scientific reason, tolerance of diversity, humanistic empathy and celebration of democratic ideals. It is the science of our times. Sociology in India is more than hundred years old with rich, entrenched, ongoing and evolving scholarly legacies.

Structure and Disciplinary Contents of M.A. Sociology:

All the courses are designed to impart disciplinary fundamentals of sociology through a curated reading list that draws amply form the rich and diverse tradition of sociological writing -classical as well as contemporary. These courses also feature vibrant illustrative material in the form of case studies meant to make the concepts and theories vivid, the learning process engaging and illustrate the discipline in action in terms of empirical investigations. The courses are designed to draw micro-itineraries across the syllabus to form complex inter-connections.

Program Learning Outcomes:

The Post graduate program in sociology is premised on an axiom that a graduate is not mere product of a system. On the contrary, the graduate attributes are the most concrete manifestation of the spirit the entire program, its operationalization through institutions and collective and concerted efforts of all the stake holders. Every other feature of programme is fused into this. Hence graduate attributes, qualification descriptors and programme learning outcomes may not be described separately since they are innately interconnected.

Career prospects for Sociology Post Graduate:

Students with a P.G. degree in Sociology have contributed immensely to the following fields:
  • Academics
  • Bureaucracy
  • NGOS and Developmental Sectors
  • Designing and conducting surveys
  • Human Resource Development
  • Research in contemporary issues of Gender, Development, Health, URBAN Studies etc.


Programmes Duration Eligibility
M.A. Sociology 2 Years (4 Semester) Graduate in any Discipline


Dr. Anup Kumar
Department Of Sociology
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Dr. Pratibha
Assistant Professor
Department Of Sociology
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